www.racerc.gr is an online store for the sale of products via the Internet created and operated by George Andreadakis , based in Heraklion city of Creta island at Leoforos 62th Martiron street , with e-mail address info@racerc.gr.
By visiting our website and/or using material from our websites, you accept the following terms.
If a visitor / user does not agree with the conditions provided here , he must not use the services of the specific website.
The content of this Website is the intellectual property of the company George Andreadakis with vat number 061092303 which is based in Heraklion with store phone 2810 260070 and will henceforth be referred to as "Company" and will refer to the www.racerc.gr websites and its subdomains.
It is protected according to Law 2121/1993 "on the protection of intellectual property and related rights" without prejudice to any right not expressly granted here. By accessing this Website you agree that you accept the powers of the beneficiary according to articles 3 and 4 of the above law and consequently any act, omission or tolerance contrary to the provisions of the above law will attract the sanctions provided for by it.
Personal Data & Security
The company ensures compliance with the principles of Personal Data Protection when using the services of this website regarding e-commerce and distance sales, in agreement and compliance with international, European and internal Greek law and specifically with the provisions of Law 2251/1994 on consumer protection, Directive 2000/31/EC and PD 131/2003 on electronic commerce, as well as Law 2472/1997 on the protection of individuals and personal data as amended with the decisions of the President of the Personal Data Protection Committee, Presidential Decrees 207/1998 and 79/2000 and article 8 of Law 2819/2000 and directives 95/46/EC and 97/66/EC.
The company expressly declares that it will not make any illegal or unfair use of your personal data and does not transfer in any way and for any reason to any third party the personal details and information of the users/visitors.
By registering, consenting, you agree to receive informative messages about the status of your order as well as about new products or offers.
To promote our services, your email address (e-mail), which you provide during your registration, will be used/
Upon your request, your personal information is permanently deleted and is not provided in any way to anyone. The submission of information for the purpose of using the services constitutes a responsible declaration of Law 1599/1986 and therefore any false declaration of information may attract the penalties provided for in article 22 par.6 of the law.
Minor visitors/users of this website may access its services only with the consent of their parents or guardians.

Compliance with the new regulation of the European Union GDPR (EU General Data Protection Regulation) for personal data. (Effective from 28/05/2018)
Personal data that may reveal the person's identity, gender, age, place of residence, marital status, employment relationship, but also even more personal information such as his habits, and his preferences.
Our company has complied with conditions such as:
Careful collection and secure storage of your personal data. Connect and manage with secure protocol No processing of personal data without your consent or even Encoding these to avoid identification (profiling) by third parties. Avoiding linked data or access by our partner companies. Ability to delete or export and deliver data on demand. We always have as a rule the principle "as much data as necessary" nothing more.
Ensuring compliance with the Regulation and by the cooperating companies that manage personal payment data such as Banks etc.
Links to other websites
To facilitate your access to its websites, our website may include links to Internet websites, which are the property of third parties or are managed by third parties (natural or legal persons) and are themselves responsible for their content as and for the personal data protection conditions that they follow and in no case is our company responsible.
Applicable Law
All transactions you carry out through technokap.gr are governed and protected by International and European law that regulates issues related to electronic commerce (Directive 2000/31/EC, PD 131/2003) as well as by the Consumer Protection Law (L. 2251/1994) which regulates issues related to distance sales, and expressly mentions the customer's right to withdraw without reason within 14 days as supplemented-amended by the K.Y.A. Z1-891/13-8-2013 (Official Gazette B' 2144/30-08-2013).
The adjustment of Greek legislation to the provisions of Directive 2011/83/EU was carried out with the issuance of the Joint Ministerial Decision Z1-891/2013- (Government Gazette 2144 B') regarding consumer rights, as amended by the KYA No. 27764ok/2014 (Official Gazette 1470 B'). With the CPA, articles 3 to 4 were added to Law 2251/1994 on "Consumer Protection", which regulate the issues related to consumer rights..
Limitation of Liability
The company, its employees, or other agents shall have no liability, under any circumstances, for any consequential, incidental, indirect, special damages or costs or monetary penalties, including, but not limited to, lost profits, business interruption , loss of information or data, or loss of clientele, loss or damage to property, and any third party claims arising out of or in connection with the use, copying, or presentation of this website or its contents or any other linked website, regardless of whether was informed, knew or should have known of this possibility.
Confidentiality of Transactions
All information transmitted by the Company's customer/subscriber is confidential and the Company has taken all necessary measures to ensure that it is used only when deemed necessary within the framework of the services provided. Some of the measures taken are the following:
a. Only authorized employees have access to transaction information and only when necessary, e.g. for the processing of applications.
b. The Company does not disclose the details of customers and their transactions, unless it has a written authorization from the customer or this is required by a court decision or a decision of another public authority.
c. In the event that the Company uses third parties to support its systems, it ensures confidentiality.
d. The customer can request any information held about him as well as their correction in case he can document the existence of an error.
e. For security, the Customer should treat all information provided through the service as confidential and confidential and not disclose it to third parties.
f. The Customer's email address is used by the Company to send informative emails-newsletters about the company and any new offers or discounts. provided by her. In the event that the Customer does not wish to receive informative emails of this format, he can be deleted from the contact list by clicking on the link at the end of each informative email-newsletter.
Payments ———————————————————-
For purposes of identification and security of transactions, the Customer, if requested by the company, should provide further information, such as his identity card, passport, etc. If the Customer does not provide the requested information or the transaction is not successfully identified by the Company, the Company has the right not to provide the service as well as not to refund the amount of the charge related to this transaction. among other things, the 14-day period to change your mind about a purchase is expressly stated
Fair enough Directive
2011/83/EU which entered into force in all Member States from 13 June 2014 – replaced directives 97/7/EC on the protection of consumers during distance contracts and 85/577/EEC on the protection of consumers when concluding contracts outside a commercial outlet.
The period within which a consumer can withdraw from a sales contract is extended to 14 calendar days , This means that a consumer can return the product if for any reason they change their mind.
It is underlined:
-Increased protection in case of incomplete information: if the seller has not clearly informed the customer about the right of withdrawal, then the return deadline is increased to one year.
- That the right of withdrawal also extends to online auctions, such as eBay - although products purchased on them can only be returned if they have been purchased from a professional seller.
- That the withdrawal period begins from the moment the consumer receives the product.
These rules apply to online sales, telephone and mail orders and sales made outside a store, e.g. at the consumer's home, on the street, at Tupperware-style demonstrations or during a marketer-organized field trip.
Purchase cancellations
For purchase cancellations, contact within 24 hours of sending your order by email to info@racerc.gr with the subject "Order cancellation" and the number of the order you want to cancel or by phone at 2810 260070 during store hours.
Strengthening the right to refund.
The merchant must return the price of the product to the consumer within 14 days of withdrawal. The return amount will also include the cost of delivery. In general, the seller assumes the risk of any damage in transit until the product is in the buyer's possession.
The adjustment of Greek legislation to the provisions of Directive 2011/83/EU was carried out with the issuance of the Joint Ministerial Decision Z1-891/2013- (Government Gazette 2144 B') regarding consumer rights, as amended by the KYA No. 27764ok/2014 (Official Gazette 1470 B'). With the CPA, articles 3 to 4 were added to Law 2251/1994 on "Consumer Protection", which regulate issues related to consumer rights.
More specifically:
Articles 3 and 3a define key terms such as "sales contract", "service contract", "distance contract", "contract outside a commercial outlet", etc. while at the same time defining the scope of the provisions which covers all contracts between consumers and suppliers.
Article 3b sets out the pre-contractual information that the consumer must receive from the supplier before concluding off-premise and distance contracts, including information on the functionality and interoperability of digital content. while articles 3c and 3d define the standard requirements of off-premises and distance contracts.
Articles 3e to 3l also regulate the right of withdrawal (duration of withdrawal period, procedure and consequences thereof) and include a sample withdrawal form which is made available to consumers and can be used by them to inform suppliers of their decision to withdraw (see Appendix – Section B of Law 2251/94).
Article 4 sets out basic information that should be provided by suppliers to consumers before entering into contracts in a commercial outlet.
Articles 4b to 4f define the rules of delivery and transfer of risk that apply only to sales contracts, as well as some rules that apply to all types of consumer contracts. These include rules for
Ø the costs of using certain means of payment (e.g. credit or debit cards),
Ø the charges of the direct service telephone lines made available to consumers by the suppliers, as well as
Ø the prohibition of the use of pre-filled boxes on websites for additional charges than those resulting from the contract.
Payment by bank deposit
The customer has the option of paying for his orders by bank payment (in store, via e-banking or phonebanking) through the DIAS system at the contracted banks. In this case, the Customer must pay any bank fees.
Electronic Document Transmission and customer obligations
The Customer must notify the Company of the email addresses to which the issued invoices will be sent. In addition, the Customer expressly declares that the specified email addresses and any information related to them are under its full, exclusive and undisputed control. Third parties should not have access to these addresses unless they are authorized by the Customer himself. The Company has no responsibility for the access of any third party to the Customer's e-mail addresses nor for any damage the
Customer may suffer from the access and/or use of his e-mail addresses by third parties. The Customer is solely responsible for any change in the information he/she has declared and in particular in the email address information, who must inform the Company about the changes.
The Company bears no responsibility in case of failure or delay in informing the Customer about the issuance of an invoice for the above reason.
The Company has no responsibility for any damage (positive or negative) of the customer and/or third parties arising due to the inability or delay of the customer's access to his e-mail.
The Customer accepts that the Company makes every reasonable effort to ensure the availability of the electronic document transmission service.
We reserve the right at any time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, any of our services, with or without notice. You acknowledge and agree that we shall not be liable to you or to any third party for any modification or discontinuance of our services.
Special conditions
Information & Products Provided
Racerc is committed to the accuracy, truth and completeness of the information listed in the online store, regarding the identity of www.racerc.gr as well as the transactions provided through the online store.
Racerc, in the context of good faith, is not responsible and is not bound by entries of electronic data made by mistake in common experience and is entitled to correct them whenever it becomes aware of their existence.
Racerc in the context of its transactions from the online store is not responsible and has no obligation to compensate for any possible damage or loss resulting from the cancellation of orders, from the non-execution or from the delay of their execution, for any reason, also when they are carried out purchases from the online store marked "Pick up from the store & pay in cash", without prior consultation with us, it is not possible to freeze the product.
It does not guarantee the availability of the products displayed online.
In all our products, we provide a check-guarantee of good operation, whether this concerns an online purchase and product shipment by transport or customer pickup from our physical store.
The guarantees of the products we have in our physical or online store are provided by the manufacturers - suppliers - representatives.
No warranty is provided for toys - static models - spare parts / accessories / consumables / lubricants - rubbers of phone models - batteries and others that do not have an electronic function or are impossible to repair (e.g. due to non-supply of spare parts by the manufacturer).
RC boats require maintenance/lubrication by the operator after each use (especially RC boats used in seawater) to prevent oxidation or damage to electronic and functional parts. Possible damage caused by insufficient maintenance is NOT COVERED BY ANY WARRANTY.
(For information on maintenance and proper use of the remote-controlled models, please contact a representative of our store)
For products, or product categories that are provided with a factory warranty and we are not official agents, our store is not obliged to cover any warranty needs arising from the terms of these products. If the customer wishes to make use of the factory warranty of these products, and as long as it is within its time limit, then he is obliged to contact the manufacturing company - agent in the manner prescribed by it, presenting the purchase document from our store .
After sales service and support is provided by our company for all our repairable products, i.e. products for which spare parts are provided by the manufacturers - dealers - suppliers.
Our company bears no responsibility for damage, breakage or even loss of mechanical parts, accessories, etc. incurred during the use and operation of a remote/motorized model, as well as from its incorrect, bad or incomplete maintenance.